
"The demands on companies in the extended construction industry continue to increase."

This includes technological development, digitalisation, employee recruitment and training as well as the increasing convergence of trades. Strategic M&A and active group formation are therefore key long-term success factors.

"The demands on companies in the extended construction industry continue to increase."


A lack of strategic focus when acquiring or selling companies or parts of companies as well as little knowledge of the dynamics in the construction industry reduce the success of M&A projects.

Our solution

Support with acquisitions and sales

Through our extensive network and our industry focus, we ensure a targeted and efficient process on both the buy- and sell-side.

Support with acquisitions and sales

Feel free to contact us for more information!

Your contact person

Patrick Seidler
Patrick SeidlerManaging Partner

Patrick is a founding partner of S&B Strategy GmbH and is responsible for the M&A division.

With over 12 years of experience as a managing director, consultant and manager focussing on corporate and investor acquisitions, he is a proven expert in M&A – both for buy- and sell-side mandates. Patrick gained extensive experience in the deals division of PwC, on the management board of Hubert Burda Media and in the context of M&A and strategy projects for national and international clients in Europe and Asia. Patrick completed his Master’s degree in Business Administration at the Amsterdam Business School.

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